· Traditional Medicine,Health,Health Nutrition-Integrative Medicine
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Integrative Medicine: 

The Future of Health Care 

by Alecia Velma_HBOP

 medical care that combines conventional medical treatment with complementary and alternative therapies that have been shown to be safe and to work.  Therapies that treat the mind, body, and spirit. It incorporates *5 major domains:

 (1) alternative medical systems, (2) mind-body interventions, (3) biologi- cally-based treatments, (4) manipulative and body-based methods, and (5) en- ergy therapies.

Allopathic, Osteopathic, Homeopathic, Naturopathic & Holistic Medicine 

Allopathic - Allopathic medicine focuses on alleviating the symptoms of the disease

Osteopathic - Osteopathic medicine is oriented to treating the patient not the disease

Homeopathic -remedies are developed from natural substances. Small doses are given to enhance the body's natural ability to heal. 

Naturopathic - uses natural remedies to enable the body to self-heal

Holistic - uses conventional medicine in conjunction with other systems of medicine and care to provide holistic health

More people are becoming aware of their own power of health mangement & disease prevention for their bodies and spirit.

They have access to healthier food options, reading labels, awareness of environment,  and an abundance of resources i.e.:  books, articles, podcasts, blogs, diet changes, various exercise modalities, breathing & relaxation/mindfulness/meditation techniques and natural modalities for healing,.

More health insurance companies, hospitals & health facilities, recreation centers and senior associations are incorprating preventive health programs and practices.


Article below is an example of Integrative Health:

How Mainstream Medicine Is Opening Up To Integrative Health  by Catherine PearsonBy 

".... According to the most recent data from the National Institute of Health's National Institute for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, some 38 percent of Americans used some form of alternative medicine in 2007 -- up from 36 percent in 2002. Experts say such figures explain why a growing number of medical schools have embraced what critics deride as "woo-medicine," but proponents of the techniques say integrative medicine represents the future of health care.

"More and more students are interested in integrative medicine -- that's clear," said Dr. Mary P. Guerrera, a professor of family medicine and director of integrative medicine at the University of Connecticut. "There is greater awareness in the world-at-large. With that, students are coming to medical school already aware of what it is....."

Click on Link above for the full story.


Our body are is our 1st Temple.  We are responsible for what we put in, on or how we react to outter circumstances.  I believe these teachings start at home in the family, community, etc... and also should be incorparated in the educational and spiritual institutions of all our children. 

*5 domains inclusive of i.e.: Yoga, Meditation, Mindfullness, Reiki, Reflexology,Tai Chi, Qi Gong, Arometherrapy, Massage, Acupunture/Accupressure, Tapping, walking, running, jumping, movement, dancing, rowing, biofeed back, sound therapy, grounding, swimming, many forms of exercise, etc....

Everything in moderation and in balance!!!